women’s salaries still lag behind men’s, and even with equal opportunity laws Perfectly Discussed (A++)

MANAGEMENT NAME _______________




Studies show that women’s salaries still lag behind men’s, and even with equal opportunity laws

and regulations, women are paid about 82 percent of what men are paid. Do some research on

designing a compensation system that would address this issue. Write up your findings in a

bulleted list format.


1. Read the above question.

2. Type your response IN WRITTEN FORMAT. The instructions in the textbook says to

“Write up your findings in a bulleted list format.” Strike that sentence and submit your

response in a written format.

3. Minimum of 250 words, double-spaced, font size 12, font-style Times New Roman, 1-inch

margins all around, and use MS Office Word, not Works, software. Have at least two

references listed on a separate work cited page. The “number of words” do not include your

header or the work cited page. To determine the number of words in a MS WORD document,

click Review tab, click on the icon that has ABC123 in the Proofing. Enter the number of

words two spaces after the last paragraph.

4. Use the following header in the upper left-hand corner:

Name: Your first name, your last name

Course: Management

Date Completed: Month, day, year

5. Your answer will be in a single file. Name the file: C13LastNameFirstNameHRM.

6. Submit your assignment. See the course syllabus for the due date.

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