Workshop Excercise on Middle East

Submit a short summary of the articles and one section of the video module you watched. Your submission must not be more than 1 page.

Your summary should address these:

  1. What is your dream company to work for? (Or do you want to own your company, what is it)?
    1. Is your dream company in this region? What country? (For example working for IBM, is IBM in the Middle East – Yemen?).
    2. If you want to own your company will you expand to this region? Why and what country?
  2. Find and describe a current U.S. company in this region
    1. What strategies did the company use to enter this region?
    2. Did anything go wrong with their strategy? Was is a bad choice? If so, what would you suggest?
  3. Using two articles and the module section, how does the information apply to international business strategy (you may use any one company from your answers above to show how the information you now have can affect the business (for good or bad))?

article: (must read)…


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