comment from post 4

The error in the conclusion of “cigarettes cause the pulse rate to increase” is that it cannot be concluded that cigarettes “cause” the pulse rate to increase.  Linear correlations measure the association and strength between two variables.   Correlations refer to the interdependence or co-relationships between the variables. It reflects the closeness between the x variable which is the independent variable called the predictor and the y variable is the dependent variable, also known as the outcome.  The correlation can be determined through using the simple linear regression.  This is a procedure that provides an estimate of the value of the outcome based on the predictor.  The use of linear correlation and regression is to test the hypothesis of cause and effect, to see whether the two variables are associated and to estimate the value of one variable corresponding to a particular value of the other variable.   


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Position Paper on Physician Assisted Suicide

Guidelines for the Development of the Position Paper

Individual Assignment: 

You are required to write a cogent paper describing a position on a professional issue related to health care.

My Topic: Physician Assisted Suicide

Thesis Statement: There is a certain amount of terminally ill patients in Virginia who are having to suffer for way too long and waiting for physician assisted suicide, in order to lower that number we need to take initiative and pass this law in Virginia by making it legal. 

Main Question: Should Euthanasia or Physician Assisted Suicide be legalized in the United States?

MY MAIN POSITION Is I want to make Physician Assisted Suicide Legal in Virginia.


of the Position Statement:

1.     Each paper draft should be at least 2500 words (about 8 standard double-spaced pages, plus additional pages for title and references.

2.     Use section headings as instructed, to include:   Introduction, Background, Opposing Arguments, Supporting Arguments, and Conclusion.

3.     Clearly state your position on an issue in a concise manner in an introductory paragraph.  Identify the audience for whom the position statement will be useful.

4.     Describe the background of the issue that constitutes the rationale for the topic being labeled as an issue.        

      Background must include contemporary, relevant data and appropriate citations.  Remember this is NOT an opinion paper.  Therefore the background should include:

·       Terminology related to your issue

·       Legitimate research done on your issue in the form of internal documentation.

·       Descriptions of the impact this data has on your issue.

5.      When presenting your argument, discuss both sides of the issue and clearly state the position you are supporting.  Identity and include defensible documentation supporting your position (such as: standards, codes, regulations, policy, criteria, and research findings).

6.     Bring the paper to a logical conclusion by summarizing the essence of the argument and then conclude by restating your thesis or position in similar words used in the introduction to your position.

7.     Apply principles of good composition, including appropriate sentence structure, grammar and meticulous attention to detail in every aspect of your writing.  Strict APA Format standards will be applied to the grading of your paper so pay close attention to citations within the test and in the list of work cited.  These standards also apply to the draft.

Due by 4/18/2017 5:30pm Eastern Time

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Paper part I and IIPurposeThe purpose of this assignment is to consider the value of a culture of excellence and leadership strategies that support a culture of excellence within the student’s selecte

Paper part I and II


The purpose of this assignment is to consider the value of a culture of excellence and leadership strategies that support a culture of excellence within the student’s selected MSN track. Students will identify organizational characteristics that support a culture of excellence. In addition, students will identify an existing organizational mission, vision, and values and create an original concept map to portray the interrelationships among the elements. The extent to which the organizational mission, vision, and values reflect a culture of excellence will be examined. Leadership strategies that promote a culture of excellence and support the Chamberlain Care Model® will be applied.

NR504: Week 5 Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

This assignment will be submitted in two parts: 

Part I: Concept Map. This portion of the assignment will be submitted below. 

Part II: Submission of the written paper. This portion of the assignment will be submitted on the next page. 

You will receive one grade for Part I and Part II. 

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will address the following Course Outcomes:

· CO 1: Discern leadership approaches that facilitate achievement of health outcomes through interprofessional collaborative practice within micro-, meso-, and macro-level systems.

· CO 2: Appraise the role of the MSN-prepared nurse to lead safe, efficient, ethical, high-quality, person-centered healthcare across complex systems.

· CO 3: Integrate communication modalities that convey cultural humility, value the diverse nature of individuals, and cultivate healthful work environments.


Criteria for Content

Part I : Concept Map

1. Identify the mission, vision, and values of a selected organization.

2. Create a concept map that portrays the relationships among the organizational mission, vision, and core values, depicting how they do or do not support a culture of excellence. The concept map must be your own, original work.


Preparing the Assignment

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

1. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.

2. Part I: Create and submit a concept map as a pdf or Word document.

a. Concept map may be neatly drawn by hand or created using software.

b. Concept map must be clear and legible.

c. Concept map must be the student’s original work.

Part II: Written Paper

1. In a three- to four- page paper, address the elements below. Use a minimum of four peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within 5 years, to support your work. See the rubric for specific, required content criteria within each section of the paper.

a. Provide an introduction to the paper.

b. Discuss the characteristics of a culture of excellence.

c. Present the mission, vision, and values of a selected organization, and explain the interrelationships between each element in the concept map. Describe how the mission, vision, and values do or do not support a culture of excellence.

d. Discuss application of three specific leadership strategies that promote a culture of excellence, and how they support the Chamberlain Care Model®.

e. Provide a conclusion to the paper.

Preparing the Assignment

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

1. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.

2. Part II: Using Microsoft Word 2013, create the written paper for this assignment. Include a title page with your name, date, and course information, as well as a reference page.

a. The paper (excluding title and reference pages) should be three to four pages in length.

b. A minimum of four peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within 5 years, are required.

c. Sources older than 5 years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.

d. Only one short quote (15 words or less) may be used within the body of your writing.

e. Title page, running head, pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual.

f. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the APA Manual (6th edition).

g. First person may only be used in the self-reflection portion of the assignment (see Conclusion section for criteria).

Video from professor 

Before we begin, I would like to encourage you to locate your week five assignment guidelines and rubric. It will be helpful to have that document available as we continue with the assignment overview. [BLANK_AUDIO] The capacity of the nurse to influence others and shape working relationships has been a clear idea of emphasis throughout our class readings. 

From influencing one’s self, to facilitating collaborative practice with others, the MSN prepared nurse leader is equipped to cultivate a culture of excellence within the healthcare environment by fostering quality, safety, cultural humility, meaningful engagement, and a healthful work atmosphere. The purpose of this assignment is to consider the value of a culture of excellence, as well as the leadership strategies necessary to facilitate a culture of excellence within the work setting specific to the selected MSN track. 

Through this assignment, you will identify characteristics and practices which support a culture of excellence within an organization. In addition, you will identify organizational mission, vision and values, and create an original concept map which portrays the interrelationships between each element. Also portrayed within the concept map will be the extent to which the mission, vision and values reflect a culture of excellence. 

Finally, through this assignment, you will explore leadership strategies which promote a culture of excellence and support the Chamberlain Care model in the selected MSN role. [BLANK_AUDIO] As we begin our assignment overview, let’s look at a couple of fast facts regarding the Week Five assignments. The Leading a Culture of Excellence assignment includes two parts. 

Part I will include a concept map which is the student’s own original work. And Part II will include a scholarly written paper. The concept map may be hand drawn and scanned as a PDF document. Or you may create a concept map using tools in the Word format. The concept map must illustrate the interrelationships between mission, vision, and values of an existing organization or your choosing. 

You will want the concept map to portray how the organization’s mission, vision, and values do or do not reflect a culture of excellence. We will discuss the concept MAC requirement in further detail, just a little bit later in our overview. In addition to the concept map, Part II of this assignment is a three to four page scholarly written paper. 

To support your writing, four current peer reviewed scholarly sources are required.The assignment in total is worth 175 points, which is 17.5% of the course grade.The assignment is due at 11:59 PM Mountain Time at the end of week five. The week five assignment addresses three of our course outcomes for Nursing 504, course learning outcome one, two, and three. 

Course learning outcome number 1, discern leadership approaches that facilitate achievement of health outcomes through interprofessional collaborative practice within micro, meso, and macro-level systems. Course outcome 2, appraise the role of the MSN-prepared nurse to lead safe, efficient, ethical, high-quality, person-centered health care across complex systems. And course outcome number 3, integrate communication modalities which convey cultural humility, value the diverse nature of individuals, and cultivate healthful work environments. 

Investigate the concept of a culture of excellence along with the organizational characteristics and practices, and leadership strategies, which help to facilitate and reflect a culture of excellence. You will need a minimum of four peer-reviewed scholarly sources current within five years to support your writing. Select an existing organizational mission, vision, and values to portray within your concept map. 

You’ll create an original concept map to demonstrate and portray how these elements do or do not support a culture of excellence. And finally, you will develop a three to four page paper to address the content requirements noted in the rubric.You will submit two documents. Both Part I, the concept map, and Part II, the written paper, for final evaluation. 

Let’s begin with Part I of the assignment, the concept map. For full credit, you will create a concept map, which is your own original work. 

The concept map will express organizational mission, vision and values. To do this, you want to first identify an existing organization that is of interest to you. Perhaps it is the current organization where you are employed Or perhaps it’s another healthcare organization, where you may choose to seek employment after graduation as an MSN-prepared nurse. 

Once you identify the organization, locate the mission, vision and values of that organization. Create a unique original concept map which portrays the organization’s mission, vision, and values, along with the interrelationships between those three elements. You will also want the concept map to portray how the organizational mission, vision, and values do or do not reflect a culture of excellence. 

Now, in order to reflect this element in your concept map, you will want to integrate characteristics or practices which are reflective of a culture of excellence. And portray the degree to which they are reflected in the chosen organizational mission, vision, and values. It will be helpful for you to read about a culture of excellence and identify organizational characteristics and practices which support a culture of excellence. 

This content is addressed in the week five lesson and readings. Once you are familiar with those characteristics and practices, you will be better able to create that element within your concept map, demonstrating how the organizational mission, vision, and values do or do not reflect the elements of a culture of excellence. 

How might you create an original concept map for this assignment? Well, there are a couple of ways that you can do this. First, you can hand draw a concept map, scan that drawing to create a PDF file, and then submit the concept map as a PDF file. If you prefer and if you are familiar with software tools available, you can use software to create a concept map, such as tools that are available within Microsoft Word. 

Once your concept map is created, you would submit that electronic file. Please note, artistic talent is not being graded in this assignment. Instead, fulfillment of the required assignment criteria will be evaluated. The concept map must be your own original work. It must be created by you and no one else. Now that we’ve discussed the concept map, let’s shift gears and begin to review the content and format requirements for the written paper portion of the assignment. This is Part II of the assignment. And again, remember to refer to the guideline and rubric for full details. Let’s begin with the introduction section to your paper. 

Within this section, be sure to include the importance of pursuing a culture of excellence within the healthcare industry, and the role of mission, vision, and value statements to guide organizational culture. You’ll be sure to identify the sections of the paper, and remember to include support from current, peer reviewed scholarly sources. 

Your literature support should be used to validate the importance of a culture of excellence, and the roles which mission, vision, and value statements play in shaping and guiding organizational culture. After the introduction section to the paper, you will include a section to address the culture of excellence.In the culture of excellence section of the paper, you’ll include an explanation of the concept of a culture of excellence. 

Identify at least three specific organizational characteristics or practices, which are congruent with and reflect a culture of excellence. And you will discuss how a culture of excellence is significant to your selected specialty track. Throughout this section of the paper, be sure that you provide support from current, peer-reviewed scholarly sources. 

Literature should be integrated to support your explanation of a culture of excellence, three characteristics or practices within a culture of excellence, and the significance for your specialty track. [BLANK_AUDIO] Following the culture of excellence section of the paper, you will include a section to describe an overview of the concept map which you have created. 

In this section, you will describe the mission, vision, and values of the selected organization which you have portrayed within the concept map. You will discuss the interrelationships which you have portrayed between those elements of the map.And you’ll discuss how the mission, vision, and values do or do not reflect a culture of excellence as portrayed in the concept map. 

Throughout this section, be sure to include support from current peer-reviewed scholarly sources to validate the culture of excellence as it’s represented in the concept map. Also, be sure to credit the organization as the source of information for the mission, vision, and value statements that you include. [BLANK_AUDIO]Following that section of the paper, you will include a section which addresses leading a culture of excellence. 

In this section, you will identify and discuss two specific leadership strategies which will promote a culture of excellence in the selected MSN specialty track role which you are pursuing. Explain how the two chosen leadership strategies also support the Chamberlain Care Model. Throughout this section, be sure to include support from current peer-reviewed scholarly sources to validate the points and the applications which you provide. 

[BLANK_AUDIO] The last section of the paper is the conclusion. In this section, you will include a summary which addresses the following. The importance of a culture of excellence and leadership strategies to promote a culture of excellence.You will also include a brief synopsis of the selected mission, vision and values that you portrayed and how they do or do not support a culture of excellence. 

Self-reflection of your learning regarding new insights gained by completing this assignment should be included. In addition, a self-reflection regarding implications for your future advanced nursing practice role in the selected MSN specialty track should be included. For this section, the two self-reflections may be written in first person. Because this is a scholarly paper, all other areas of the paper should not include first person, but the two self-reflective components may be written in first person. 

As you review the guidelines and rubric, you will notice that after the content criteria, there are format criteria listed on the rubric. The format criteria include graduate level writing style, quality of literature support and paper length requirements. This slide provides you with an overview of the graduate-level writing expectations. 

You will want to be sure that your writing is reflective of graduate-level practices by using correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure.You will also convey graduate-level writing style through clarity and a logical flow of ideas. With APA headings to organize your paper content. APA format should also be used for the citing and referencing of all sources. 

In order to demonstrate your mastery and synthesis of content, no more than 1 short quote of 15 words or less may be included in this assignment. Additional graduate-level writing style standards include the use of APA format for the document. The format requirements includes margins, spacing, font style and size. 

APA format for document structure is also required. The structure elements includes running head, pagination, tittle page and reference page. Also required are APA formats for the mechanics of style. The mechanics of style include the correct use of abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers and when applicable, the use of figures or tables within the assignment. 

Please note that the concept map which you create does not serve as a figure or an image in the body of your paper. It will be a separate file that you submit. As a result, you will likely not be using any figure or table in this assignment. However, as we discuss mechanics of style, we like to follow all the items that are noted within the APA manual, including tables and figures. 

This helps to prepare you with information that you might apply in a future assignment or a future course. But for this assignment, there probably will be no figures or tables needed on your part, unless you choose to do so.[BLANK_AUDIO] Following the graduate-level writing style expectations, the rubric includes criteria for the quality of literature support used in the assignment. 

It is an expectation that a minimum of four peer review scholarly sources, current within five years, should be included to support your writing in the written paper component of the assignment. Failure to meet this requirement will result in points deducted, as noted on the rubric. [BLANK_AUDIO] Following the quality of literature support section on the rubric, there is a section which addresses assignment length. 

It is an expectation that the paper is a minimum of three full pages in length. Typed with 12 point font size and double spaced and no more than 4 full pages in length.The paper length does not include the title or reference pages. Failure to meet this requirement will result in points deducted, as noted on the rubric. 

[BLANK_AUDIO] Let’s take a few minutes before we close, to talk about some key reminders as you prepare your assignment. Some of this information might be familiar from previous courses or previous assignment overviews. Remember to review the assignment guideline and rubric document carefully. Use the rubric as a map to guide your assignment preparation and then as a checklist before submitting your work. 

Carefully review all grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure, as well as APA format. Be sure to use the APA Manual sixth edition and do not rely on formatting software. Cite and reference each source that you use, so that there is congruence between the reference listing and the sources cited in your writing. 

[BLANK_AUDIO] Follow the submission instructions where you have part I, an original concept map. And part II, a scholarly written paper, which is three to four pages in length, with a minimum of four current peer-reviewed, scholarly sources integrated to support your writing. First person may be used only in the self-reflection components of the conclusion. 

And finally, no more than one short, direct quote, 15 words or less, may be used within this assignment. So to recap, remember there are two parts to this assignment. Part I, your original concept map, which will be a separate file. The concept map does not require a title page or reference pages. 

Part II is the written paper, which will include a title page and reference, pages along with your written paper. [BLANK_AUDIO] As we’ve been talking about the APA format structure of a paper, this slide provides you with just a visual example of the use of APA headings. As you know, the title page is page 1 and the first page of your text for your paper will begin on page 2. 

At the top of page 2 centered, you will place the title of your paper using upper and lower case letters with regular font. The introductory section of the paper will immediately follow the title. And will not include any level heading. After the introduction, your paper should include the following sections. 

Culture of excellence, overview of concept map, mission, vision, and values, leading a culture of excellence and conclusion. Note that each of these sections are identified with level one headings, according to the APA format. They are centered, bolded, with upper and lower case letters. More information about level headings can be found in the APA Manual 6th edition, beginning on page 62. 

Finally, the reference page begins with a subheading that is centered with regular font. On a new page of paper. [BLANK_AUDIO] I hope this assignment overview information will be helpful for you as you prepare your week five assignment. As you continue to gather resources, you may find it helpful to listen to and watch this assignment overview again. 

Some students find that key points regarding an assignment are better understood after reviewing the information a second time and following along the assignment guidelines in rubric. There will be a live question and answer webinar, prior to the assignment due date. The webinar is not a requirement. However, it is an optional resource for students.

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Nowicki, M. (2018). Introduction to the Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations (Vol. Seventh edition). Chicago, Illinois: Health Administration Press. Part 2; pages 93-179, and pages 198-211

Nowicki, M. (2018). Introduction to the Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations (Vol. Seventh edition). Chicago, Illinois: Health Administration Press. Part 2; pages 93-179, and pages 198-211. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.[email protected]sessionmgr4007&vid=0&format=EB&lpid=lp_31&rid=0

View: Taylor, M. (2014). Managerial Accounting: Cost – Volume – Profit and Break-Even. Available at:

Assignment Overview

In recent years, healthcare pricing has come under much scrutiny. Calls for price transparency have been made, loudly and clearly. Discounting prices to some recipients or payers occur, but how and why does this happen? Patients with insurance typically pay an insurance-negotiated discounted rate, while patients without insurance can be asked to pay the full amount that is charged by the provider or facility. Why can’t you simply look on each provider’s website to see the exact cost of your office visit, or your x-ray? With the many methods of cost-setting available to us as healthcare managers, we see how there is a high degree of variability in the amount charged per service from person to person, and state to state. In moving towards either voluntary or state-mandated transparency in healthcare pricing, we consider the following Case assignment questions.

Homework Case 2 Assignment

After completing the required background readings, please complete the following questions:

  1. Describe the recent scrutiny of the methods of healthcare pricing. Is this scrutiny justified, or unjustified?
  2. What can healthcare managers do to be best prepared for increasing future calls for transparency (either voluntary, or state-mandated)?
  3. How have state transparency laws affected healthcare pricing in your home state, or state of current residency? Can you locate the exact costs of healthcare services you or your family may need in the near future?
  4. How is cost-shifting implemented within the healthcare settings? Do you believe this ethical?

Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.
  2. Provide a response of 3-5 pages, not including title page and references.
  3. As we have multiple required items to be addressed herein, please use subheadings to show where you’re responding to each required item and to ensure that none are omitted.
  4. Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles and reliable sources. Use at least three references, and a minimum of two of these from peer-reviewed sources. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see and for evaluating internet sources:
  5. You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: Paraphrase all source information into your own words carefully, and use in-text citations.

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IMPORTANT NOTE :NO PLAGIARISM  SIMILARITY NO MORE 20% Go to the following website by clicking on the provided link, , and select a county and a state (this may be



Go to the following website by clicking on the provided link, , and select a county and a state (this may be the county/state in which you reside, attend school, or plan to live and work). After reviewing the website and the health outcomes in the County Health Rankings for the area, answer the following questions in a few short sentences as part of your discussion.

1. Select one area in need of improvement and list the general statistics pertaining to the specific problem.

How does the creation of the community health center program help to address this public health problem and what can you as a nurse practitioner and/or nurse leader do to influence policy innovation to resolve the problem?  MY STATE IS FLORIDA

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Which of the following bestdescribes one serving of fruit? A. 2 oranges B. 1½ medium bananas C. 1 small apple D. 1 bunch of grapes

Which of the following bestdescribes one serving of fruit?

A. 2 oranges

B. 1½ medium bananas

C. 1 small apple

D. 1 bunch of grapes

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The following post is another student post to wish i have to react adding some extra information related to the student post. APA STYLE AND LESS THAN 20 % SIMILARITY . There are many actions the nurse

The following post is another student post to wish i have to react adding some extra information related to the student post. APA STYLE AND LESS THAN 20 % SIMILARITY

. There are many actions the nurse must partake in before the use of social media as a means of a teaching tool. First, the RN must understand the elements of digital citizenship. (Huston, 2017)

  • Not providing information about patients
  • Not providing medical advice online or in any other similar platforms

In addition, assess if patients are good candidates to self-educate on social media (Huston, 2017)

  • Steer toward the informed sources
  • Consider if patient has access
  • Troubleshoot with them if needed

2. The types of social media that could benefit health care providers and patients are the following. Enhanced practices, education and research. Promoting self-management for patients with chronic illnesses. Providing support, this would be a good platform for training. Research aid for nursing and patients. (Huston, 2017)

3. There are many pitfalls to utilizing social media for both patients and health care providers. So many, that I do not know which one outweighs the other. Below I will name just a few of them. To begin with, social media and the world wide web (the internet) provides many sources with poor credibility. While patient interaction on social media may be interpreted in the wrong way at times. some cons or downsides may include, security risk or breach, lack of control, false information, some patients will try to self-diagnose. (Clark, 2020).


Huston, C. J. (2017). Evidence-Based Practice. In C. J. Huston,Professional Issues in Nursing Challenges and Opportunities(pp. 69-79). Wolters Kluwer.

Clark, Maria. (Feb, 2020). The Pros and Cons of Social Media in Health-care. Retrieved from:

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class 2 unit 1 dq 1

Clarify Philosophy

What does nursing philosophy have to do with your practice and how you practice as an advanced practice nurse?

Things to remember:

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Assignment 2: Public Health and Health Care Services

Using the public health issue that was selected for Week 1 (Drug Abuse), describe how the issue is currently addressed by public health services and by medical practice services to include any collaborations that may exist. Using a general outline, develop a plan for how the issue could be addressed more effectively. Explain how the components of your plan that are different from current interventions would produce more effective outcomes.

Note: The focus of this assignment as it relates to your selected public health issue should be prevention and treatment.

Provide a 3 to 5-page Microsoft Word document that includes the following:

  • Discuss current interventions by public health and medical care professionals for the health issue that you have selected.
  • Develop a general plan for how the health concern could be addressed more effectively using public health and medical care organizations.
  • Explain why the changes that you are proposing would be beneficial to the population and to the organization providing healthcare services, thereby improving health outcomes.

In addition, support your statements with scholarly references and appropriate examples. Cite all sources using the APA format.

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How a Bill Becomes a Law As you have discovered through this course, nurses are influential members of the community and the political system. Therefore, for the purposes of this assignment you will i

How a Bill Becomes a Law

As you have discovered through this course, nurses are influential members of the community and the political system. Therefore, for the purposes of this assignment you will identify a problem or concern in your community (Florida, med-surge setting), organization, etc. that has the capacity to be legislated. You will conduct research and state a proposal. Through the legislative process, your proposal for the problem or concern may influence an idea for change into a law.

First, refer to the “How a Bill Becomes a Law” scenario. (see attached)

After viewing the scenario, refer to the “Legislative Assignment.” (see attached) to complete this assignment.

Paper must be 700-1000 words. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, a strong thesis statement, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines. Please include in-text citations with all factual information, a minimum of three scholarly in-text citations and references are required for this assignment. References must be within the last 5 -7 years.

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