Congestive heart failure brochure help

I need some help with a making a Disease Brochure on:

  • Congestive heart failure

Research this topic using online sources, such as the FDA, CDC, NCI, and local sources for content on your topic for this brochure.

Create a 3- to 6-page public service brochure, with appropriate images, to be printed in the Sunday edition of your newspaper. Include the following points:

  • Provide a brief background on your chosen disease.
  • Identify how this disease develops or how individuals contract the disease.
  • Identify ways of preventing this disease.
  • How could a fitness or exercise program, if any, help prevent this disease?
  • Explain how to treat this disease using conventional medicine and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), otherwise known as holistic medicine.
  • Identify the nutritional needs of the individual with this disease, as well as what their diet should be to meet the needs.
  • Make recommendations for where readers might search for more information regarding this disease.
  • Include credible sources for the information (e.g. not Wikipedia).

Research this topic using online sources, such as the FDA, CDC, NCI, and local sources for content on your topic for this brochure.

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Watch two films and compare or contrast chosen topic

NOTE: The film you choose should be one of our post-1989 films, since that is where the last essay left off.

HRS 181, Essay 2

See formatting instructions on syllabus.

Choices are the name of the game this time around. Pick one of the following choices to write a 4-6 page essay on. Label your essay according to the choice you make (ex. 2A), or there will be a 1 point deduction on your essay.

For any of these essays, you must refer to at least two of our assigned readings in a way that illustrates both your understanding of the text as a whole and your ability to apply the reading to the films discussed. Throwing in quotes doesn’t do this. Readings chosen must be appropriate to the topic you choose (ex. if writing about gender, the readings you choose should be about gender). The readings must be from among our scholarly texts, ex. the chapters OR academic essays assigned on the syllabus rather than one of the shorter, more popular, and less academic essays. If unsure about your selection, please ask. Choose from films after week 4 as well.

Essays will be graded according to: quality of writing, strength of thesis, completion of the question, and displayed knowledge/understanding of class lectures, reading, and viewing. If you have a very focused argument, you may be able to do a comparison/contrast between two films; you should discuss this with me.

2A Discuss the treatment of gender in one of our films, coming up with an argument to make about it.

2B Discuss the treatment of sexuality in one of our films, coming up with an argument to make about it.

2C Considering our discussions of authenticity in class (re: The Crying Game, Ghost in the Shell, Moana), formulate an argument about the representation of race, nation, gender, or sexuality in your chosen film from our class.

2D Discuss the construction of identity or humanity in one of our films.

2E Propose another idea to Dr. B.; it must be proposed and accepted in order to complete this choice and get credit for it.

Cinematography has not been the focus of most of our discussions, but if you have some background in how to “read” a film, you certainly may want to discuss visual as well as narrative elements.

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Watsons Points, psychology homework help

Watson points out that psychology, prior to behaviorism, were nebulas in nature and its methods unscientific. “If you fail to reproduce my findings, it is not due to some fault in your apparatus or in the control of your stimulus, but it is due to the fact that your introspection is untrained” (Watson, 1994, p.248). In other words there are no definite measures to determine right or wrong, fact or fiction in psychology. Watson makes a strong argument for the need of observable, measurable study that can be reproduced through scientific methodology to take away some of the ambiguity the study of the consciousness through introspection holds. Watson proposes discarding the introspective method and warns of the consequences of not doing so (Watson, 1994, p.250). He solves the problem through experimentation and scientific method.

 While I do not agree with the idea of completely discarding introspection I do agree with limiting its use and balancing it with firm reproducible scientifically observable and re-creatable experimentation. I find introspection useful for clients to challenge behaviors and inaccurate thought processes with personal belief system. I think depression, anxiety, self-loathing, substance abuse and self-medicating can all be treated with a fair amount of soul searching to determine behaviors that contradict personal belief system. Then clients can be encouraged to create an experiment to provide proof the identified change can help. If the experiment is successful an action plan can be put in place, if not a different variable is chosen and another experiment executed. The client becomes the scientist challenging personal introspection with behavioral methodology. 

Please provide a 150-250 word response to the above question. No references are necessary. 

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