answer and 2 response

From the readings and the material this week, briefly describe local resources that can aid a jurisdiction in making a shelter compliant with ADA requirements.

State how you could make members of the community more sensitive to the accessibility needs of others.


2 responses

1st post,

A building is ADA compliant if it is equally available to and usable by everyone with or without a disability. If not an expert, it is an uphill task to determine if your building is ADA compliant. Fortunately, there is a wealth of compliance checklists, consultants, and helpful resources to aid a jurisdiction or organization achieve ADA standards (Xenakis, 2011).

Top on the list of available resources is the United States Access Board which is a federal agency mandated to develop accessible design standards for buildings, Transport infrastructure, and IT by providing clear specifications like precise measurements for angles of ramps and hallways. Their recommendations are online so everyone can access them easy. The second resource for ADA standards is the Civil Rights Division for the US department of Justice. It provides accessible design standards for bathrooms and toilets, recreational parks, curb cuts and many others (Xenakis, 2011).

The third resource comes in the way of a set of web accessibility guidelines developed by the international World Wide Web consortium. You also have an option to contract consultants to vet your buildings and asses how well you meet ADA standards. They can provide advice on accessible websites, mobile applications, and online advertising. Lastly many articles and content has been generated that might help you have an idea of ADA compliance requirements (Xenakis, 2011).

In addition to the physical aspects to aid access for people with disability, their also social factors to ensure equal access such as equal chance for employment, access to services, and fair treatment. Also policy and legislation can be used to ensure protection of people with disabilities. But the most effective means to sensitive the community, designers of facilities, employers and others about the rights and needs of the disabled. People who plan a building, a recreational facility, or an hallway most times only have the needs of physically fit in mind and rarely think about the elderly, children or the disabled.

To ensure full access to this minority groups, a change of attitude is required. ADA has just given the push to set in motion a societal acceptance of equal access by employing uniform standards in construction and service delivery (Xenakis, 2011). A change of Attitude towards people with disability will help them achieve integration into society as vital groups, equal chance to be employed, treatment with respect and assistance among other things. People with disabilities should not be seen as an inconvenience or embarrassment, but as full members of society with vital skills and personalities that enrich and diversify the community.


Xenakis, J. A. (2011). Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Guidance on Planning for Integration of Functional Needs Support Services in General Population Shelters: Progress despite practical impediments. Journal of Emergency Management,9(1), 9. doi:10.5055/jem.2011.0042


2nd post,

According to the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 2008, all American with or without disabilities are entitles to equal care and access to shelter facilities in case of emergency. Local government and other disaster management providers follow the ADA guidelines when providing shelter for the people affected by a disaster. Local resources are necessary for the provision of services and accommodation to individuals with disabilities.

Different disabilities require different attention ranging from personal assistance to medical assistance within the designated shelter environment. Availability of resources such as medical equipment, medical staff, portable toilet, clean land, volunteers, first aid stations, medical supplies, and staff can enable a local jurisdiction set up a shelter that complies with ADA guidelines (FEMA, 2010). Resources accessibility will ensure that all American with or without a disability can continue with their normal livelihood in the same housing.

Community plays a vital role in ensuring that those living with disability are well taken care of in the society. In this case, members of the society should ensure that disabled people are not discriminated against in places of work. Therefore, areas of work should have facilities that are easily accessed by employees with and without a disability (Hampton, 2018). Construction of safe pavements and smooth staircases can be another way that the community can help disabled individual access buildings and public places with ease (Hampton, 2018). The community can also ensure that laws set to safeguard the rights and privileges of people with disability are enforced in both public and private areas. Further, it is important to educate members of the community on how to communicate and deal with disabled people. Integrating with disabled people requires being sensitive to their needs as stipulated in the ADA of 1990.


FEMA, 2010, Guidance on Planning for Integration of Functional Needs Support Services in General Population Shelters. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from

Hampton, C. 2018, Increasing Access for People with Physical Disabilities. Retrieved September 13, 2018, from…

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Academic writing for literature review about waiting time for new appointment in outpatient clinic for improvement project

I need literature review by using academic writing (start globally , gulf area, then Qatar)for my research in quality improvement about waiting time for new appointment in outpatient clinics. the background and aim of the research as below:

Hospitals and clinics are facing increasing competition for their services. To attract new patients, maintain patient satisfaction at high level and retain their investment, hospitals and clinics must be able to provide fast and efficient health care. Effective and efficient patient flow is indicated by high patient throughput, low patient waiting times, a short length of stay at the clinic, and low clinic overtime, while maintaining adequate staff utilization rates and low physician idle times.

Three areas that impact patients in clinics are patient scheduling and admissions, patient routing and flow schemes, scheduling and availability of resources (Jun, Jacobson, & Swisher, 1999).

An outpatient department represents a complex system through which many patients with varying needs pass each day. An effective appointment system is a critical component in controlling patient waiting times within clinic sessions and scheduling.

Using effective appointment schedules have been shown to drastically reduce patient waiting times, without the need for extra resources, and enable the department to move towards meeting the national standard.

Indirect waiting time is the time between a patient’s request and the actual appointment time. Long indirect waiting times prevent patients with acute needs from being seen by the provider in a timely manner. The direct waiting time comes between the scheduled appointment time and the time the patient receives care. The scheduling system can affect both direct and indirect waiting times. Whereas direct waiting is inconvenient to the patient, excessive indirect waiting can pose a serious safety concern [13]. If patients cannot receive healthcare service at the time needed, their condition can deteriorate, perhaps even become life-threatening.

Balancing supply and demand, reducing backlog, reducing the variety of appointment types, developing contingency plans for unusual circumstances, working to adjust demand profiles, and increasing the availability of bottleneck resources. Although these principles are powerful, they are counter to deeply held beliefs and established practices in health care organizations. Adopting these principles require strong leadership investment and support.


Pediatric OPD has the following clinics with the following
number of slots per week (need to put the information) General Pediatric
clinic, G.I clinic and pulmonology clinic. General Pediatric clinics faced
increasing demand as the number of referrals in 2016 was 1,542 while in 2017
reached 2073 referrals. So there is a need to balance this demand with the
existing supply & improve patient access. Our aim to focus the efforts on
improving capacity & resource clinics to meet the national standard &
hospital priority of waiting the new appointment.

Problem statement

Problem statement
Currently, the average waiting times
to get new appointment for pediatric clinics routine referrals for Qatari
and Non- Qatari patients are 50 days and 60 days respectively. However the
national waiting time standard for Qatari and Non- Qatari is 14 days and 28
days respectively. This will delay the patient’s treatment, increase
unnecessary ED visits, inpatient admission and negatively impact the parent’s

The Gap

The current capacity (number of appointment slots) doesn’t meet the monthly increase in demand.

The current capacity which is 144 new appointment slots per month in general pediatric OPC doesn’t meet the monthly increase in demand which is approximately 173 slots

Aim Statement

To achieve the national standard of average waiting times to get new appointment for pediatric clinics routine referrals, (14 days for Qatari, 28 days for non- Qatari) by the end of May 2018.

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In a written response of one to three pages, explain in detail what the Humanities are and how they influence culture?

Grading Rubric







Not Submitted

No pass




Defines Humanities

Not Submitted

Does not define what the Humanities are.

Defines what the Humanities are, but more explanation is needed.

Defines what the Humanities are.

Defines what the Humanities are in detail.

Areas of Study

Not Submitted

Includes few of the subjects the Humanities covers.

Includes most of the subjects the Humanities covers.

Includes all the subjects the Humanities covers and lists some examples.

Includes all the subjects the Humanities covers and lists many examples of each.

Why Study Humanities?

Not Submitted

Does not explain why it is important for people to study the Humanities.

States that it is important to study Humanities, but explanation is needed.

Explains why it is important for people to study the Humanities.

Explains in detail why it is important to study Humanities.

Art Influences Culture

Not Submitted

Does not explain how art influences culture.

Explains how art influences culture, but needs more explanation and detail.

Explains in detail how art influences culture and provides some specific examples.

Explains in detail how art influences culture and provides many specific examples.

Culture Influences Art

Not Submitted

Does not explain how culture influences art.

Explains how culture influences art, but needs more explanation and detail.

Explains in detail how culture influences art and provides some specific examples.

Explains in detail how culture influences art and provides many specific examples.

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Written Presentation Plan Assignment on cellphones


Written Presentation Plan Assignment

  • Use the same product or service you used for your Written Sales Proposal Assignment. You will use this product for your Written Presentation Plan Assignment and your Final Video Presentation.
  • Complete the outline. This will help you get your thoughts together before you begin your video presentation. Do Not Read this outline for your final presentation.

Use the following general criteria for this assignment.

  • Use an Arial Font, 12pt, double spaced.
  • Cover Page
  • Make the layout of your paper easy to read by using bold headers and bullet points when necessary.
  • In the field of selling there are 2 elements that are a way of life…Deadlines and Grammar! Sales professionals are required to utilize both on a daily basis.

Use the following specific criteria for this assignment:

Salespeople need to be prepared to give a sales presentation. The best way to prepare for a sales presentation is to visualize what might occur during the actual presentation and prepare for the unexpected questions that may occur. This written exercise will help you to prepare for a face-to-face presentation. In addition, you may want to use part of this written assignment to help you prepare for your final presentation Remember this may seem like a simple form BUT I am looking for details in this paper. Anticipate and visualize your 5-10 minute presentation how will you demonstrate your products features and benefits.

Written Sales Presentation Plan Form – Follow the outline and answer all questions, set it up in an easy to read format.

  • Select Your Product: Select a product that you are passionate about trying to sell.
  • Features of your product or service: Write out all major features of your product/service.
  • Benefits of your product or service: Write out all major benefits of your product/service.
  • Visual Aids to be used during the presentation: Explain what visual aids you will use during your presentation.

Approaching the Customer

  • Prospecting: Select a potential buyer for your product.
  • Client Profile:





Explain why this is a good potential buyer for your product.

Starting the Sales Call

  • Write your introduction, what do you plan to say to begin your presentation. How will you introduce yourself? This should be no more than 2-3 sentences.

The ADAPT Method

  • Write out 3 Open-Ended questions that will allow the buyer to talk and you to assess the situation.
  • Write out 3 Open-Ended questions that will allow the buyer to talk and you to discover more about the buyers situation.
  • Write out 3 Close-Ended questions that allow you to actively narrow the focus of the sale.
  • Write out 3 Close-Ended questions that allow you to project and narrow the focus of the sale.
  • Write out 2 questions that allow you to transition into the closing and “ask” for the sale.


  • Objections: Write out 3 objections you might hear from your buyer.
  • Responses: Write out your response to each of the objections.

Prospect Commitment

  • Write out a way to “ask” for the sale.

Follow-up Action

  • Explain and identify actions you will take to follow up after the sale.

Written Presentation Plan – 100 points

  • Deadline – 10 points per week
  • Grammar & Spelling –10 points
  • Features & Benefits – 10 points
  • Introduction – 10 points
  • Open Ended Questions – 15 points
  • Close Ended Questions – 15 points
  • Objections – 10 points
  • Ask for Commitment – 10 points
  • Follow-up Action – 10 points

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UCSD What Three Words Would You Use to Describe Yourself Personal Reflection

I’m working on a psychology question and need guidance to help me learn.

1. What three words would you use to describe yourself? How do these words capture the essence of who you are and why?
2. Choose an image that has meaning for you and share it with our group. What does this image reflect about you?
Please select a picture of Kobe

3. What are you most interested in learning about regarding aging and why? 

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new question ..

La Roches history and mission is rooted in the history of the Sisters of Divine Providence and related to the themes of Catholic Social Thought and contemporary issues of justice and peace. We see ourselves as striving to be best FOR the world. Your journal is expected to be a 5-paragraph essay. 1_Introduce topics being discussed. 2_Describe one or two of the Global Sustainable 3_Development Goals that resonate with you. 4_Describe a “Best FOR the World” campus event you attended or a LRC alum that particularly stands out to you that you might emulate. 5_Connect how you might use your talents and college education to make a positive difference in regards to the Global Goals chosen above and become the best FOR the world. Conclusion: connect the mission of the college and the CDP with a theme of the UN Global Sustainable Development Goals.

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Creation of Measurable Outcomes in Co-Occurring Disorders

Find a newspaper article about a person (such as a politician, athlete, musician, or movie star) whose ethnicity and/or cultural background differs from your own, who has had an encounter with a system (such as criminal justice, welfare, unemployment, psychiatric, child welfare services, or the like), and who also has a co-occurring disorder (such as substance abuse).

Choose a theoretical approach that you would use to guide your work with this person, and create a chart similar to the intervention grid shown on page 93 of the text to determine some of the psychological, organizational, community, and political structures that could be impacting this person.

For this assignment, in addition to the intervention grid, you are required to write a short paper that provides:

  1. Your analysis or evaluation of that person’s social, emotional, developmental, and economic needs (also include the article link)
  2. Trauma-informed goals (at least one behavioral and one that is service-focused)
  3. Specific, measurable milestones of each goal
  4. Method(s) of measuring services provided

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Workshop Excercise on Middle East

Submit a short summary of the articles and one section of the video module you watched. Your submission must not be more than 1 page.

Your summary should address these:

  1. What is your dream company to work for? (Or do you want to own your company, what is it)?
    1. Is your dream company in this region? What country? (For example working for IBM, is IBM in the Middle East – Yemen?).
    2. If you want to own your company will you expand to this region? Why and what country?
  2. Find and describe a current U.S. company in this region
    1. What strategies did the company use to enter this region?
    2. Did anything go wrong with their strategy? Was is a bad choice? If so, what would you suggest?
  3. Using two articles and the module section, how does the information apply to international business strategy (you may use any one company from your answers above to show how the information you now have can affect the business (for good or bad))?

article: (must read)…


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Walden Is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Related to Social Change Discussion

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is one of the most recently developed approaches under the CBT umbrella. Stephen Hayes, who developed ACT in the 1980s, was trained in traditional CBT. On the surface, ACT would appear to agree with the basic premise of the “it is what it is” statement from this week’s introduction. This approach is not only about acceptance, however, but also commitment, which in this context refers to the commitment to change behavior.
ACT focuses on values and psychological flexibility. It uses mindfulness to bring clients into the present moment in order to nonjudgmentally examine thoughts and emotions. Rather than looking at what happened in the past or might happen in the future, ACT focuses on the present. After this acceptance, an ACT therapist would attempt to move clients in the direction of their values through a series of questions, such as: “What are the things that you really value? What would you like to see written on your tombstone?” By examining what clients would like to be different in their lives, they can begin to change behaviors that do not fit into their value system or worldview.
Steven Hayes believes that social change can come from a person who is acting from his or her value system, and that in this way, ACT is related to social change. For this Discussion, you examine the basic tenets and strategies of ACT and take a position on Hayes’s social change argument. Can a therapeutic approach based on acceptance of thoughts—rather than changing them—be a catalyst for behaviors and actions that lead to social change?
Required ReadingsArch, J. J., Eifert, G. H., Davies, C., Plumb Vilardaga, J. C., Rose, R. D., & Craske, M. G. (2012). Randomized clinical trial of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) versus acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for mixed anxiety disorders. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(5), 750–765. doi:10.1037/a0028310 Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.Cullen C. (2008). Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT): A third wave behavior therapy. Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy, 36, 667–673. doi:10.1017/S1352465808004797 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): A ThirdWave Behaviour Therapy by Cullen, C., in Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, Vol. 36/Issue 6. Copyright 2008 by Cambridge University Press – US – Journals. Reprinted by permission of Cambridge University Press – US – Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center. Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.Cully, J. A., & Teten, A. L. (2008). A therapist’s guide to brief cognitive behavioral therapy. Retrieved from…
p. 28–43Fruzzetti, A. E., & Erikson, K. R. (2010). Mindfulness and acceptance interventions in cognitive-behavioral therapy. In K .S. Dobson (Ed.), Handbook of cognitive behavioral therapies (3rd ed.) (pp. 358–360). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Ruiz, F. J. (2012). Acceptance and commitment therapy versus traditional cognitive behavioral therapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis of current empirical evidence. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 12(3), 333–357. Retrieved from the PsycINFO database (Accession No. 2012-27684-002). Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library (n.d.). Embracing your demons: An overview of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Retrieved September 28, 2016, from…Documents: Course Project Overview (PDF document)Required MediaBig Think. (Producer). (2012). Big Think interview with Steven Hayes [Video file]. Retrieved September 28, 2016, from Note: This video is approximately 38 minutesOptional ResourcesHowells, K. (2010). The “third wave” of cognitive-behavioral therapy and forensic practice. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 20, 251–300. doi:10.1002/cbmSpringer, J. M. (2012). Acceptance and commitment therapy: Part of the “third wave” in the behavioral tradition. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 34(3), 205–212. doi:10.1080/14639947.2011.564824

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Grand Canyon University Cognitive Changes During Adolescence Discussion

I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

What are at least two cognitive changes that occur during adolescence and how do these changes impact relationships?
Topic 4 DQ 2 
Adolescence can be a time of intense growth or significant loss, what are some ways adults can support positive behaviors at this age?

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